Monday, 28 May 2012

Tickets and social

Hi guys,

By now those of you that registered an interest should have received booking information in the form of a link in an email from The link has only gone out to those who have contacted us so far but will be going public shortly.

Thanks to those of you early birds that have got in there already with your tickets, information on the charity side etc will be winging its way to you shortly.

Lastly; I hope to see some of you for a beer and a chat this evening at the Lock Tavern. Please feel free to come along whether you have purchased your ticket or not. If you've got questions then we'll be there to answer them.


Thursday, 17 May 2012

Bike to Bestival FAQ's

Just in case you had any questions...

Bike to Bestival FAQs
  1. How long is the ride going to be?
    We’re going to be starting off from central London (see No 2) and heading down to Southampton via Guildford. The idea is to cycle part of the Olympic cycling road-race route, probably joining it somewhere around Hampton Court; we’ll then follow the route down to where it hugs the outskirts of Guildford to the east, before heading west. Until we have the precise route (it’s coming, we promise!) it’s hard to give an exact distance; but if you consider that the quickest road route from London to Southampton via Guildford is approximately 80 miles, and then factor in avoiding main roads as much as possible (we want to make the ride as pleasant as we possibly can), we’re looking at about 90 miles in total. That’s 45 miles a day – not an insignificant distance, undoubtedly, but one that is eminently achievable, even for the relative novice, with some dedication and training... Don’t forget, also, that there’ll be short ride to the pre-Bestival campsite once we get on to the Isle of Wight. But by that point you’ll be so chuffed/gagging for a cold beer, you won’t even notice... 

  2. Where will the ride start and when?
    The start point will be somewhere prominent in central London. Ideally, we’d like to kick things off in Trafalgar Square – we’re currently looking into the logistics of this. But wherever we set off from, it’ll be somewhere where we can make a big, happy noise about ourselves and pose for some choice pics! Each day’s ride, taking into account tea and lunch breaks, will take approximately six hours; so the start time on Tuesday 4th September will be around 11am, with a probable meeting time an hour or so beforehand to load bags/tents/instruments into the support vans. 

  3. How much is the ride going to cost me?
    The cost of registration will be £40, payable online. This money will cover nearly all of the cost of the trip, including two nights'
camping (on the Tuesday and the Wednesday before Bestival), food and a return ticket on the ferry to the glorious Isle of Wight. We're currently still plotting ways with Bestival to transport everyone's bikes back to London; if you require this, there may be another (small) fee to pay closer to the time - but obviously we're hoping we won't have to tap you for any more funds...
  1. Who are we raising money for and how much do I need to collect?
    The whole ethos behind Bike to Bestival is to have as good a time as we possibly can and to stretch out the whole Bestival experience for an extra few days! At the same time, though, we’re looking to raise some very serious cash for a very worthy cause. The charity we’re going to be fundraising for is Cancer Research UK. Buskers on Bikes’ connection to Cancer Research, UK goes back to last year, when we took on the Land’s End to John O’Groats bike ride as a travelling band. We chose Cancer Research as a charity that would strike a chord with a huge amount of people – and since then we’ve learnt more about the fantastic work they do. They gave us wonderful support on last year’s ride, too – and they’re massively enthusiastic to get involved with Bike to Bestival (and they have an army of volunteers we’re hoping to rope in for some roadside brewing up!) We’re going to be asking everybody taking part in the trip to raise a minimum of £200. Obviously, we’d like to think that most of you can go way beyond that and Bestival are offering incentives if you break certain fundraising barriers. Details on this, and on a central fundraising site, coming very soon... 

  2. Can under-18s take part in Bike to Bestival?
    After very careful deliberation, we’ve decided that the minimum age for Bike to Bestival participants should be 18. We’re truly; truly sorry if this rules you out. 

  3. How many people will be on the ride?
    There will be 90 tickets available for riders to take part in the ride. This is a balance between getting everyone who is interested involved and the practicalities of riding on public roads. Regular cyclists will know that you can’t have groups riding together at once so we’ll need to break up into smaller groups for the main sections.
7. Overnightstay?
We will need to stop en-route as this is a two day ride. We aim to camp somewhere in the Guildford area. We are currently looking into the possibilities and will confirm nearer the time. Your festival kit will be there, so we expect the majority of people will be camping together. Facilities for washing and meals will be provided by us at the site. 

8. What should I bring?
Tips and advice as to what to bring will be on the blog and we can talk to you on an individual basis if you are nervous about packing for the trip. As a general rule though here are some guidelines. As well as your bike (in good mechanical order) you will need to bring the following: 

  • Appropriate clothing and protective gear. As you will be responsible for your own comfort and safety this is up to you, however we would recommend cycling shorts, gloves, some hi-viz clothing and a helmet as a minimum. 
  • Snacks. You will be hungry between meal-stops and it is best to eat little and often. Good snacks for a ride like this would be flapjacks, bananas, powerbars, nuts and jellybabies (I’m veggie so I skipped the jellybabies and took a brand of chocolate coated peanuts in a convenient sugar shell) 
  • Water bottles. By far the easiest way to do this is to fit bottles, in cages, to the bike. A bike shop or friendly cyclist can talk you through this. 
  • Spares and a repair kit. Realistically you will need a spare inner tube, puncture repair kit, tyre levers and a pump. Anything else you think your bike might need is a bonus. 
A bike lock. A proper bike lock... you know... the sort of thing that would make you feel fairly comfortable to leave the bike outside a supermarket. 

Yourself. In good working order. By that we mean mentally and physically ready for a couple of days riding whatever the weather. We will be cycling in Britain so waterproofs and warm clothing for after the ride will probably be a good idea. 

9. Return Journey, ferry transfers etc?
We are looking at providing transport to the island and support to return riders and their kit to London. Nothing is booked yet, but discussions are well underway and we’ll keep you informed. 

10.How to sign up?
Bike to Bestival is only open to those with a valid ticket to the festival, or those (such as volunteers, bands etc), with a valid means of entry. A registration site will be opened (next week) and those who have expressed an interest will be given early notice of it going online. Once registration is completed we’ll be in touch to set up the justgiving pages and find out a little more about you. 

Terms and conditions
  1. You must have a valid ticket to access the festival site.
  2. Your responsibility is to have a roadworthy bike, (we will help
    with minor probs on route if we can, but bring basic repair kit)
  3. No valuables/breakables/glass in your luggage
  4. Bestival and Bike to Bestival cannot accept any responsibility or
    liability for the loss or damage to luggage when in transit or the loss, theft or damage to any bicycle at any time suggest insurance
  5. Bestival and Bike to Bestival cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, personal injury or death to any persons cycling to the Festival site.
  6. You must be fit and able to complete the ride.
  1. Leadership we will organise and lead the ride
  2. Food Scheduled meal stops will be catered
  3. Accommodation we will provide suitable camping and
    amenities for all stops prior to entering the site
  4. Transport for your kit (Tents, Rucksacks etc,) to the festival and
    back to the start point
  5. Securebikeparkingatthefestivalsite–Justbringalock
  6. Mapsanddirections–Routespecificmapwithkeylandmarks
    and step by step route directions
  7. Fun we will try our very best starting with an early getting to
    know you meet up at the Lock Tavern in Camden have very nicely offered us the upstairs room of their smashing pub (scene of many a hedonistic Sunday Best knees-up) on Monday 28 May. We're going to be gathering there from 7pm. So stick it in your diaries, draw a huge red ring around the date in your calendars... and come and join us

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Bike to Bestival beers... and important registration news!

So... let's all meet up for a beer then, shall we? 

Yes, the time has come to put a few faces to the names of all you great people (and there's a lot of you!) who've been in touch with us about joining the inaugural Bike to Bestival. It's really important to us from this point on that you get the chance to be properly involved in the build-up; so this is the opportunity to get to the bar, have a natter, pitch your questions - and also to start chucking around ideas about the musical part of the trip and the beautiful noise we're going to make on the road and on the Bestival site itself...

The crew at the Lock Tavern in Camden have very nicely offered us the upstairs room of their smashing pub (scene of many a hedonistic Sunday Best knees-up) on Monday 28 May. We're going to be gathering there from 7pm. So stick it in your diaries, draw a huge red ring around the date in your calendars... and come and join us! Have a butcher's here:

And here's the adminny bit... Would you mind dropping us a very brief email to tell us that you're coming... Just so that we can get an idea of numbers...

Secondly, and every bit as importantly, registration for Bike to Bestival 2012 is nigh! In the next two weeks, we'll be setting up a registration site. In order to take part in B2B, you'll need to be officially registered with us...

The cost of registration will be £40, payable online. This money will cover nearly all of the cost of the trip, including two nights' camping (on the Tuesday and the Wednesday before Bestival), food and a return ticket on the ferry to the glorious Isle of Wight. We're currently still plotting ways with Bestival to transport everyone's bikes back to London; if you require this, there may be another (small) fee to pay closer to the time - but obviously we're hoping we won't have to tap you for any more funds...

A final, vital point to make... We've had a great level of interest in the ride. A massive thanks to everyone who's been in touch. Obviously, we're hoping that everybody who wants to go can go. But we do have a maximum capacity of 90 people. So to be democratic about it, we're going to be sending you information about registration in batches over a couple of days; those who declared an interest most quickly will be given registration information first...

Here's hoping that this all makes sense..! As ever, keep an eye on the blog, keep an eye on your inbox, and keep an eye on the road...

And see you in Camden on the 28th!

On your bikes, Bestivalites.
